
Do you know what your clients are saying about you? In the service industry, reviews can 100% make your business! ⁠

⁠Referrals are a huge source of leads and when your current clients trust you enough to share their experience with your company publicly, your chances of standing out among the competition only increase! ⁠

⁠How are you ensuring quality service, a professional first impression, and guaranteeing a top-notch installation? ⁠

⁠Here are a few things you can do to always secure that positive review:⁠

  1. Leave a good first impression: from your first interaction with the client, up until the last, make sure you are personable and dependable as a professional.
  2. Make sure your installation is TOP NOTCH: this means you do your best to go above and beyond for the client and the job you are performing. Pay attention to the little details and don’t leave anything half-done. ⁠
  3. Follow up: “Ask and you shall receive” right? The more you directly ask for feedback about your work and your client’s experience with you, the more likely you are to get one! Don’t be afraid to follow up with your clients and direct them to your review pages. ⁠

⁠Join the Trading Secrets newsletter below for more tips and tricks on how to stand out as a top-notch installer!

P.S. Head over to our Instagram to check out this post and leave your comments on how customer reviews have helped your business thrive!