#IndustryKnowledge, #Installation, #Professionalinstaller, #Skills, #Tools, #WindowTreatmentInstaller
Are you stuck doing all of your installs? Finding a quality installer to work for you while you focus on sales and growing your company can come with lots of ups and downs. That is why I decided to put my 15 years of experience installing all types of window coverings...
#Determination, #IndustryKnowledge, #Professionalinstaller, #Topnotchinstaller
Do you have what it takes to be the BEST in the industry? Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned professional looking to STAND OUT, here are just a few ways to do so: 1. Make sure you have a problem-solving mindset: we are bound to come...
#IndustryKnowledge, #Installation, #Professionalinstaller
Finding trusted installation accounts to work with can be a tough task.From vetting out reputable outlets with quality products to finding experienced dealers to work with, here are my tips for finding top-notch installation accounts in your area:1. Join the Free...
#IndustryKnowledge, #Installation, #Professionalinstaller, #Tools, Uncategorized
A silly small mix-up between “I” and “O” can cost you thousands of dollars and lots of aggravation between you and your client. Can you believe that? In today’s blog post, I explain the reasons behind it. More often than not, I see...
#IndustryKnowledge, #Installation, #Skills, #WindowTreatmentInstaller
With a new year, comes new trends for you to stay on the lookout for and the window treatment installation industry is no different! Each year, we see certain window covering styles become highly requested, certain colors over others, etc. Here are a few trends for...
#IndustryKnowledge, #Inspiration, #Professionalinstaller
Want to make your life easier as a window covering dealer? ⤵️STOP doing the installations. Instead, hire and train a TOP NOTCH team of window treatment installers so you can focus on growing ☄️ your business. Sign up for the Trading Secrets newsletter below for more...